Monday, October 11, 2010

Enjoyed the day!

I went out taking pictures this morning and found a beautiful scene at the lakefront in St. Cloud, FL. The sky was a beautiful blue about 8:30 a.m. and it was not terribly busy. I saw this boater just heading out for a time on the water. I hope you enjoy the shot.
It was a busy weekend for me. My hubby was home but had to leave Saturday evening. That always makes it hard for me. Then I was able to work Sunday on a software problem I had been having. My sister stepped in and together we solved it. I'm quite happy about that!
Then today I went out to shoot some photographs, came home had breakfast and went into the office to work for a time. Then went to Joann's and got the rest of the yarn I need for an afghan I'm making for my hubby for Christmas. The best part of it was I had coupons for 50% off each skein of yarn. So it only cost me half price for it.
I'm now on the computer contemplating heading to bed as it's after midnight. Wanted to stop by here and post. I'll be back again soon.