Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mr. Starbucks!

My "nephew" Jarrett M. Love. I think he's such a cool, nice young man. I met Jarrett at Starbucks on John Young Pkwy one day and a nice, sweet friendship has come about. He's a very creative musician and he also writes short stories. He has gotten a band together and they finally open sometime in September. He's a sweetheart and I really like him.
He gave me one of his songs, "Victoria's Song" from his album to use for my book trailer for my book, Kaleidoscope Memories: Childhood Stories That Celebrate Family Life.
I finally had my camera with me and got a picture of him outside the store. He's a really good guy!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Beauty All Around Us

Sometimes we get so involved in our everyday lives that we fail to see the beauty all around us. We've lived in this home for about seven years or so and this tree has been here all along. I didn't bother to look at it because it was only a problem to me because it had flowers on it. Now I love flowering trees and bushes and flowers of all kinds, but my daughter is allergic to bees sting so anything that was flowering in my yards had to be gotten rid of. This little tree has been cut back several times to prevent it from flowering. However, this year we forgot to do so and look at the beautiful flowers that have bloomed on it. I have no idea what they are called but they are beautiful. I'm glad they are blooming and so very pretty. To make it better the color is a deep pink and pink is my favorite color.
As much as I live in a place that holds much beauty it amazes me how we often overlook the simple places about where we live. Take some time an go look at all the little things. Take your camera and just shoot photographs and when you upload them to your computer be amazed at what beauty you've been missing daily. It's not the big things but the small, almost forgotten things that will amaze you. Enjoy the day.