Thursday, July 15, 2010

Early Morning At The Lakefront

I wanted to post this picture because I think it's very pretty. I went out this morning to the lakefront in St. Cloud and captured this shot of the morning sun behind the palm tree. The park was relatively empty but so beautiful.
My morning started out very early as I woke up about 5:00 a.m. for no reason. So I went online for about an hour then woke up my sister and asked her if she'd like to go take some early morning photos. She said yes, so we left.
Then later in the day took my hubby to the truck as he's got a load for Virginia Beach, VA. I'm now sitting online trying to catch up with some posting I've needed to do for a few days now. It's raining outside and I quickly took a couple of photos before it got bad or could get on the camera. Not sure how the evening will go, but I've got enough work to keep me busy.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Normal Sunny Day in Florida!

Don't I look like a glam girl? Me in my sunglasses in the car at the bank. Just thought I'd post it here.
Well my 4th of July was rather quiet here at home. Didn't do anything much just things about the house and online.
I've been busy all week and yet it seems like I've still got lots to do. the house needs special work done on it. Need to get rid of lots of stuff I don't use.
Hubby still not home and I'm not sure when he will be. I miss him. It never changes for me.
I didn't get a lot of sleep last night so I'm a bit tired. Making it short today.