Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Post Christmas Writing

I hope this finds you happy with warm thoughts and memories of Christmas. Here's a picture of this years Christmas Tree. My Christmas was terribly busy but full of surprises and great gifts. My brother and his wife, whom we've not been able to see in nine years surprised us by coming down to visit us for five days over Christmas. They just left this morning. We had a great time and enjoyed talking over memories as well as making new ones.
This year we held Christmas Eve gathering at my son's home. It was a lot of fun and wonderful to watch our grandson open his Christmas gifts. Then we came home and spent most of the late hours wrapping gifts. Christmas morning we all enjoyed opening the gifts from each other. Everyone was pleased with their gifts. A pleasant day followed and it turned out quite nice for all.
Now we received word that our sister and her husband will be stopping by for a few days over New Years. We've not seen her in about four years so we're quite anxious to see them. I hope this finds everyone happy and ready for an exciting new year.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas From My Corner of the World!

MERRY CHIRSTMAS! I hope you get your Christmas wish and your holidays are happy and full of love. Blessings!